Stéphane Bergeron, député du Bloc Québécois, demande la libération immédiate des prisonniers de guerre arméniens lors de la séance de l’APCE
-PRESS RELEASE- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (OTTAWA – April 21, 2021) – On Tuesday April [...]
ANCC Strongly Condemns the Opening of Military Trophies Park in Baku
PRESS RELEASE (For Immediate Release) (OTTAWA – April 20, 2021) – The Armenian National [...]
Alberta Unanimously Passes Law Recognizing the Armenian Genocide and Other Genocides
Government Declares April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month PRESS RELEASE (For Immediate Release) [...]
Déclaration du CNAC sur l’annulation des permis suspendus en Turquie
(OTTAWA – 13 avril 2021) – Aujourd’hui, le Comité national arménien du Canada (CNAC) a [...]
ANCC Statement on the Cancelation of Suspended Permits to Turkey
(OTTAWA – April 13, 2021) – Today, the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) issued [...]
ANCC Mourns the Passing of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh
(OTTAWA – April 9, 2021) – It was with great sadness that earlier today we [...]
Déclaration : les groupes de défense des droits demandent au gouvernement du Canada de prendre des mesures contre la haine en ligne durant le Mois du souvenir, de la condamnation et de la prévention des génocides.
(OTTAWA, ON – 5 avril 2021)— Ce mois marque le sixième anniversaire de l’adoption par [...]
Statement: Advocacy Groups Call on Government of Canada to Take Action on Online Hate During Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month
(OTTAWA, ON – April 5, 2020) — This month marks the sixth-year anniversary of the [...]
ANCC Urges Minister Garneau to Release WESCAM Investigation Results
ANCC Pushes Minister to Ban Arms Sales to Turkey and Azerbaijan PRESS RELEASE FOR [...]
33 Years After Sumgait, Anti-Armenian Hatred is on the Rise in Azerbaijan
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (OTTAWA – February 26, 2021) – This week, the [...]