
Action Alert Test

This is an action alert test post. Click on the title to perform the action.

United Nations reports about the Armenian Genocide

United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities United Nations Economic and [...]

Turkish acknowledgments of the Armenian Genocide

“The fact that what happened in 1915 was a mass murder was not even a [...]

World leaders acknowledging the Armenian Genocide

U.S. Leaders and Dignitaries Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America: “Like the genocide [...]

Resolution, laws and declarations acknowledging the Armenian Genocide

Countries and National Legislative Bodies   Canada, Government, Declaration, April 2006 Lithuania, Parliament, Resolution, December [...]

"Je Suis Hrant Je Suis Charlie"

      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Jan. 19, 2015   “Je Suis Hrant Je [...]

Azerbaijan Must Be Held Responsible for Destruction of Religious and Cultural Heritage of Armenians

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   December 9, 2014   Azerbaijan Must Be Held Responsible for [...]

Letter to John Baird for Nagorno Karabakh helicopter attack

November 28, 2014 The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs, Trade and [...]