Category Archives: News

It’s time for Azerbaijan to earn some points for Human Rights

Source: Amnesty International Published on Apr 2, 2012 This year one of the world’s biggest [...]

Sumgait Pogroms. A History That Matters.

Source: CivilNet TV “If anyone could doubt it before SUMGAIT then after this tragedy no [...]

Filthy Rich – Ilham Aliyev Dictator of Azerbaijan

Source: CNBC Baku, Azerbaijan, a former Soviet Republic on the shores of the Caspian Sea, [...]

‘World’s biggest prison’ for journalists is Turkey, says watchdog

source: The Toronto Star ANKARA- Turkey has more jailed reporters than China, Eritrea, Iran or [...]

Azerbaijan "Not Free" According to Freedom House Report

Source: Freedom House Freedom in the World 2012 Report OVERVIEW: A series of antigovernment protests [...]

Azerbaijan: Not Safe in Her Own Home

Source: United Nations United Nations, New York, November 2011 – Azerbaijan is riding the crest [...]

Freedoms Suppressed in Azerbaijan

Source: Amnesty International Uploaded on Nov 14, 2011 The spring that never blossomed: Freedoms suppressed in [...]

Azerbaijan: Speed Without System

Source: Open Democracy Op-Ed Thomas de Waal The authorities in Baku seem intent on building [...]

Karabakh Talks Are Deadlocked, Says ARF’s Manoyan

source: Asbarez YEREVAN—The most recent visit by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen to the region [...]

Vatican reveals unpublished Armenian genocide documents from its secret Archives

Source: In the Secret Vatican Archives are stored documents that testify to the unprecedented and [...]