Մեր Աշակերտներու Ոգեշունչ Խօսքերը Հայ Զինուորի Մասին
Բերդաքաղաք Շուշիի ազատագրման 28 ամեակին եւ ՀՅԴ Գանատայի Հայ Դատի Յանձնախումբի կազմակերպած «Արցախի Զօրակցութեան Շաբաթ»-ի [...]
Foreign Affairs Minister, François-Philippe Champagne Clarifies Canada’s Position on Artsakh
-PRESS RELEASE- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2020 Contact: Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622 [email protected] [...]
With over 15,000 viewers and strong support from the Prime Minister, party leaders and elected officials, Canadians commemorate the Armenian Genocide virtually
-PRESS RELEASE- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sevag Belian, Executive Director (613) 235-2622 | [email protected] [...]
In an Unprecedentedly Strong Message Addressed to the ANCC and the Armenian-Canadian Community, PM Trudeau Remembers and Strongly Condemns the Armenian Genocide
During this year’s virtual commemoration organized by the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC), Prime [...]
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer Issues Statement on Armenian Genocide Memorial Day Upholding His Party’s Strong Stance on its Recognition
Today, In a statement sent to the Armenian National Committee of Canada, Leader of the [...]
Déclaration du Chef du Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet à l’occasion du jour du souvenir du Génocide Arménien
Déclaration du Chef du Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet à l’occasion du jour du souvenir du Génocide Arménien
Statment by NDP Leader, Jagmeet Singh, on the Occasion of the 105th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
On April 24th, 2020, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, issued the following [...]
En mémoire des victimes du Génocide, le Comité national arménien du Canada invite la communauté à faire un don à La Tablée des Chefs
-Communiqué de presse- Pour diffusion immédiate 19 avril 2020 Contact: Mélissa Bradette 418 540-0324 | [email protected] [...]
To mark 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, ANCC Urges Community to Donate to “La Tablée des Chefs”
-PRESS RELEASE- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 19, 2020 Contact: Contact: Mélissa Bradette 418 540-0324 | [email protected] [...]
ANCC Stands on the Front Lines as COVID-19 Continues to Threaten Canadians
-PRESS RELEASE- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 2020 Contact: [...]
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